剛剛"體"左個medical check o既 report,overall 都無乜大問題﹐係D白血球多左dd ﹐甲狀腺激素低左少少。。。之但係熟我o既朋友都知道﹐除左心理之外﹐小妹o既耳水都唔多平衡,一直以來﹐各方友好都send 左唔少藥方或者方法比小妹試﹐可惜我呢隻白老鼠都係唔多爭氣。。。下個星期又要去做第N次磁力共振腦素描(MRI)啦。。。。即係要"訓"o係度,然後再比人send 入個大圓筒裡面。有乜感覺?大吉利是講句﹐真係好似比人"nup"左個麻包袋再"dump"o係火車軌上面o甘。。。因為入到裡面好鬼嘈.....火車D ging gong ging gong 聲......跟住有又Dooooooooooooooo o甘o既聲。。。。。。 最難頂o既係果支顯影劑。。。打之前要簽生死狀。。。。講明會有想嘔之類o既不良反應.....但係唔打又"體"唔清楚D血管。。。即係局打....唔知係咪D顯影劑"杰"﹐所以要用支粗針打﹐仲要打手背,好鬼死痛。。。一打入去﹐就會feel 到d顯影劑凍冰冰甘由手背凍到上手臂。。。有時會"lum",隻手會唔會慢慢結冰o架???有無人話到比我知D顯影劑係乜o野色o架呢???我覺得係綠色﹐仲係帶少少瑩光o既...wah... "lum" 起都想嘔......唉﹐都唔知仲要振幾多次.....
小姐,因o羊事搞到心理/生理都o吾平衡? 睇o黎你要见0下我先得!
Ms. Yeung
P.S. 如果你当我系生理医生,我无任欢迎,我可以帮你做一个全身检查. 免费!!!
Ms Yeung,
Mrs. Hung, I have only worked this German medical company for 4 months, so I dunno much but I am trying to recall what I have learnt. MR (Magnetic Resonance) scan is used to show soft tissues, you would avoid doing scan too frequently. The aqueous is to help showing the soft tissues of your brain under the scanner, it'll be okay with that. Are they going to arrange you a surgeon or what? you shouldn't be doing this much scan ga wor ??! Dun make your hubby worry about you......
there is a schedule that I have to follow: that should be 1 month after the first time, then 3 months after, and then 6months afterwards, then every half a year or every year.... I can't remember clear:P
鬼叫你個腦成日諗埋 d 衰野咩.... 唉...
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